the space between...
"Instead of assembling yourself in the that you wake up one day with no idea of how you became this person - you can look at the world, at the people around you, and choose the parts of your character you want."
Stuart Turton, The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
"You still have time ", she says with a serenity that is as fierce and urgent as it is consoling. "So much has passed already," she states resolutely, "but we still have more; we are blessed with it, and we should make the most of all that remains."
"It's about tolerance and patience" she extols. "It's about recognizing the parts of yourself that feel anchored and constant. It's about acceptance and awareness. It's about commitment. It's about trust."
Her words come to me like barbed-wire wrapped in lace; language that lacerates with the gentility of a prayer. It is the sting of hopeful longing, and I am quiet in response. Not because I'm skeptical of her summons, nor because I doubt the veracity of her claims. But, because I believe her beyond anything I can say.
I've never known anyone like her. She is a thousand beautiful things personified at once. She is softness and warmth. She is a shelter and shield. A refuge of comfort and defiance. She can effortlessly sail the treacherous ocean of my turbulent heart. She soars with wisdom and majesty. She defies convention, defies the odds, defies gravity without ever breaking a sweat. But, most of all she's almost always right.
And yet, time seems like a strange thing to try to make the most of. Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes that "wisdom comes when it can no longer do any good". And, we never really know if we've made wise use of our time until it's too late.
Carlo Rovelli explains that "our consciousness is based on memory and on anticipation". He says that "This space" where memory meets and combines "with our continuous process of anticipation is the source of our sensing time as time, and ourselves as ourselves". Perhaps, then, the only way we can make the most of time is to understand the space between. The space between hope and fear. The space between the already and the not-yet. The space between what has transpired and what is to-come. The space between who we have been and who we could still be. That most precarious space of time that we only half-consciously notice as 'now'.
Here is all there is. Now is all we have. Life meets us on the meridian of becoming, on the cusp of everything, at the threshold of every possible variation. After all, the present is the only place where anything is possible. It is the only place where possibility is.
We are never just one thing. Never just one personality. Never even just one self. You are not only "Your current self", as John Green explains, but also "all the selves you used to be" and all the unfathomable future selves that have yet to come to fruition. We are neither individual, nor indivisible. We are a collected amalgamation. We are legion, for we are many. And it is "in that space" between, Green goes on to say, that there is "room enough to make...something remake [our] story better and different - room enough to be reborn again and enough to be anyone".
You still have time. So much has passed, but there is still so much more; we are blessed with it. This is the space in which to cherish the chance to change and choose. And, 'now' is the time to make the most of it...