Very cool. I’m trying to be ok with investing in what I’m passionate about…I love this idea of going to a conference.

Beautiful works!

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Thanks so much Brian! I totally understand. It's been difficult to do it to. It feels almost frivolous. We juggle so many priorities. We have so many responsibilities. We spend so much of our lives being given obligations. Being told what we're obligated to do and so many are things that we'd rather not do. But, we have an obligation to ourselves to do the thing that our souls have dedicated us to. We are obligated to give time and space to the passions we choose.

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Yes! Thank you for modeling this🌿

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Thanks man! It's something I'm still learning. It's only been recently that I've started taking that advice. I have to remind myself often, lol.

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Unwinding old lessons...the power of a creative community, so we can not only remind ourselves, but remind each other!

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That's it exactly!!

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These are wonderful, Liturgy in particular is going to be getting my thoughts stuck to it all day

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Thank you! I reall appreciate it! That's an interesting one, for sure. They all came together pretty quickly, but "liturgy" seemed like t finished itself before I even realized it was happening. The muscle memory of ritual motion, perhaps you could say.

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All the artistry displayed is WOW!! Clive Knight's "Situational Field of Fragments" is astonishing… Birds settling to rest on invisible stands. Wire?? Fence?? Maybe they take to the sky in colourful blaze. The imagination where is goes…haha. To get to work with another's art… what an experience. The artistry on display gives rise to learning more about one's craft. You walk away renewed. Inspired and ready to create. Growth as a creator. What an amazing event to attend.

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Exactly!! Clive's presentation was mind-blowing! The whole experience was beyond anythign i can say. Every attempt to talk about pales in comparsion to being presnet in that space. I'm trying to hold on to those embers and keep them glowing until next year.

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So glad to meet you and discover your work at KolajFest. Thank you for your very kind words!

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Thanks so much Janice! I can’t say it enough, how marvellous it was meeting you, and how great it’s been getting to chat with you since!

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Great to find you here too, and thank you so much! I really appreciate your feedback!

Yes, some day I will make it to Kolaj Fest, it looks amazing!

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It definitely is! I hope you do. You won't regret it, I promise you!

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The texture on these pieces — incredible. Finding people that are not only good human beings but that you can comfortably collaborate with is so powerful. Looking forward to seeing more of what came out of the experience

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Taegan, great to hear from you again, my friend! "Community" is the one thing I've most neglected in my creative practice. I never realized how energizing it could be, and how much I've needed it. I knew I'd get to see a plethora of great work by talented artists, but I never anticipated that they would be so welcoming and so inviting. I never guessed I'd get to work with and alongside them. I would have never dreamed of feeling so much like maybe I belonged there. If you ever get the chance to participate in something like this, please take it!

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Incredible! So great you were able to go to the fest, I've never been. Thanks for sharing about your experience, I can live a little vicariously. Those collaboration pieces are amazing!

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Errin!! So great to hear from you here! In case I haven't told you enough, your work is outstanding! Gorgeous structures always! No part of this newsletter comes even close to conveying the magnificence of being there. You have to come to Kolaj Fest next year! It'd be amazing to see you there!

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