I was just sitting here trying to catch up on some pieces I'd been meaning to read (this being one of them) and was so confused when I saw my name pop up in here 😂 I swear Substack never notified me about it. And then I kept reading and saw Holding Absence in there (and it's one of my favourite songs!!), and I can't even tell you how excited that made me.

The collages are stunning, as always. I also really like your thoughts on the "Holding Absence" name, and the passage from "Eternal Echoes," it's given me a lot to think about. Been listening to the playlist as well, and am loving it, especially "blame."

I fear that I'm going to have to make more recommendations (I honestly can't help myself with music), although there's no pressure to take them into consideration. I want to recommend "Worlds on Fire" by The Butterfly Effect for the vibe of the music, and The Day That I Ruined Your Life by Boston Manor because I adore its aesthetic.

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Okay, I'm actually going to add O'Donohue's book to my list--right now. Haha. [Done.]

In my personal work toward wholeness after trauma, memory isn't the most reliable container for the past. But with O'Donohue, I'm thinking of myself as ghost, always haunting every place I've ever been. For my Substack, I'm working on how thinking with objects--a beloved sweatshirt, say--can help us listen to these ghosts and patch together their stories.

Thanks for sharing!

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Mar 24Liked by Duane Toops

Great work as always! I don't know exactly what it is you're going through but I definitely went through my own mid-life phase not too long ago. It was rough. I recall having the album Lament by Touché Amoré on repeat for much of it. This track in particular was always helpful. And if it helps, things feel much better on what I think (hope?) is the other side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKHawjBPaxU

May you find your peace.

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I like the way you mix artforms in your posts. I'm enjoying the renaissance poetry is having as accessible art, as it interweaves with other forms.

The Cure rock! My transfixion lies in words and music but I love accompanying, enhancing visuals. I'm no a artist so make with my camera(phone). I really like your street art.

Thanks for sharing your piece. Here's a link to my playlist for the poems I've shared on Substack @theseainme


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Love the Cure song!

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