Thank you for the dedication, this was far more than a mention! This writing thing... yeah, leave it or not it's stuck with you and you're good at it! Thank you for sharing this and know you're not alone in feeling like this about writing.

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Testing the winds for flight - how exciting!

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Exactly! 🙏❤️🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Duane Toops

These are be beautiful. The words definitely catch my eye, as well as your excellent colors and lines . Congrats, too, with your art on display!!!

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Thanks Jenn! It was such a pleasant surprise to see one of my small collages posted from somewhere so far away. Such a great feeling! Humbled and grateful. Thanks again!

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Jul 11Liked by Duane Toops

I bet! Well deserved, too!

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So kind of you! 🙏🙏

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I'm called back to writing because I can't not do it. Years and years before I ever intended to publish anything, I had to write because it felt like something inside of me was pushing to get out.

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EXACTLY! An unavoidable, existential, imperative!

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I loved this essay! Your struggle with writing and how the words still find their way into your art is so relatable. The bit about words refusing to be silent or still had me nodding in agreement. Also, congrats on having your index card collages featured in France—that’s amazing! Your work, no matter the size, is making its mark out there.

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Hi Mohika! Thank you! You’re so kind! Wrestling with words seems to one of the commonly shared experiences of any and all writers. The words may be calling out to us constantly, but they almost never give themselves up easily. They always make us wrestle. But, it’s the wrestling that makes it worth it. Thanks again!

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Jul 8Liked by Duane Toops

A beautiful statement, Duane. And an equally beautiful combination of art and words 💙🙏💫

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Thank you so much Joyce! It's always so great to hear from you!

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You might feel like your struggle with writing but I'd say you have an affinity for it. I love your essays and collages.

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That’s so kind of you to say LeeAnn! Thank you! Makes me really glad that you’re enjoying them as much as I enjoy making them!

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Congrats on having your art displayed, Duane! Keep those words coming.

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Thank Rod! I appreciate! Feels good knowing that somethign I made found a home out in the world.

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I can so relate, writing and honestly words have never come easy for me. Right now I think I'm just craving the challenge of digging in to a certain focus with writing, vs what usually feels vague and amorphous with my visual art. Sometimes I do really enjoy the double (or more) meanings in my visual art. Maybe it's a lot like cropping in on a larger collage piece and picking something out that feels more tangible. Or I just like to torture myself, ha!

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"Cropping" - yes! That's precisely it! It's a kind of narrowing of concentration to get at something much bigger. And there is a certain degree of masochism involved for sure lol.

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Love your comparison between the tortures of writing and the ease of fragment gluing!!

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Thanks so much! I'm always baffled by the experience of the stark contrast between the two.

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