Sitemap - 2022 - Duane Toops

To be a writer, to be an artist...

Am I living an invested life?

Something whole out of something secret...

Pain and purpose...

To satisfy a deeper need...

What is saving my life?

The past...

There is a door...

My year in books: Nick Hornby

An altar at the checkout

Trust the truth and pick at the bones

The middle...

In the common dark, we find each other...

How to (not) be an island...

The work of being complete...

What kind of cyborgs we want to be

My year in books: Matt Haig

a map of dust and stars...

An expert in the medium of lack...

A shoulder set to rock...

The anomaly of us...

The stillness of cradled concerns...

what persists...

tomorrow will hurt less than today

there is only writing on...

to read with the eyes of an artist...

the way the world opens...

The immutability of books...

The work never stops speaking...

to live is to learn, to learn is to live

a fragment unfolding...

a continent coming home...

yearning to be whole...

Memory and Imagination

love will tear us apart...

do the work you want...

the 'velocity of being' together...

goals not met...

neither finding nor creating: you are how the pieces fit...

a letter to things (not) lost...

the difference between stones and kisses...

children of the work...

the space between...

the life that stories tell...

wonder and amazement...

a theory of moving slowly...

the salt of the earth...

never just one thing...

where living flowers...

the impossibility of regret...

books find us...

I want to believe in magic...

Short thoughts on 'A Long way Down'...

...everything after August...

It's hard to trust the truth...

discovering possibility

human progress?...

Books I Read 2021